Please review the tabs below for relevant terms and conditions related to our core services.

E-dreamz Help Desk

E-dreamz utilizes a ticket-based Help Desk system to support our clients who make routine site update or maintenance requests.

All requests for support should be initiated as a ticket by either emailing our support email or creating a ticket via our client help desk portal. Directly emailing an individual E-dreamz staff member will require that member of our team to create a ticket on your behalf. For fastest and most efficient response to your requests, please use our help desk directly. 

To submit a ticket, simply visit our Help Desk Client Portal or send your request in email to From there, your request will be reviewed and responded to by a member of our support staff through phone or email.

Hours of Operation

Our standard hours of support are Monday through Thursday, from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm (ET). We provide emergency support on evenings and weekends for critical issues only.

Hourly Rate

Our standard hourly rate is $140 per hour.
Off-hours support requests made on evenings (after 4pm Mon-Thur), weekends (Fri-Sun), or holidays will be billed at 1.5x our standard rate.
Requests marked "URGENT" in the subject/request line that are completed same-day or next-business-day will be billed at 2x our standard rate.**
*Standard holidays include New Year's Day, MLK Jr Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, 4th of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving (Day Of & Day Before/After), Christmas (Day Of & Day Before/After).

**Urgent requests are not guaranteed to be completed within this time frame. If the request cannot be completed within 1-2 business days, a timeline will be communicated and the task will be billed at our standard rate.

Turnaround Time

Ad Hoc Requests from Non-Retainer Clients
For small website content updates or graphic design requests (fewer than 3 hours of working time), E-dreamz provides support via our help desk ticketing system.  Standard turnaround time for ad hoc requests made by non-retainer clients is 5-7 business days. Larger requests (more than 3 hours of working time) or requests for custom engineering work require the client to have an active retainer service agreement with E-dreamz.

Requests from Retainer Clients
Retainer clients receive priority support. Your monthly allocation guarantees resources will be continually available in our work schedule to respond to your needs. Typical turnaround time for <3 hour requests is 2-3 business days for clients that retain E-dreamz via a monthly hourly service agreement or allocation. Larger requests that will require more than 3 hours to design, develop, test and deploy will be given an estimated completion timeline on a per-request basis but will continue to be prioritized in our work schedule.
