Marketing and Web Design share a lot of similarities with purpose, strategy, and impact. In many ways, these services are similar to planting a tree. It begins with intention and action, and can be done any time.

It’s a common thought in digital marketing and web design to compare your action against a competitor or a partner, and think that you wish you did something similar a while ago to get the benefits now. Taking the step to physically do it, whether that’s reaching out to an agency like E-dreamz for consultation, or handling it on your own, is the important step.

Every year, we recognize Arbor Day on the last Friday of April. It’s a day to recognize, appreciate, and motivate positive actions that have been done to support the growth and protection of nature. You’ll find organizations promoting litter clean up events, fundraisers in planting trees, and endless interesting facts on parks and forestry found around the world.

In our profession, digital marketing and web design share similarities to Arbor Day. Individuals plant trees by creating a brand in digital marketing by establishing a social media plan, writing blogs, starting PPC campaigns, setting up analytics and listing tools, and more. In web design, the trees can take the shape of creating a design strategy, redesigning the brand, launching a cultural campaign and updating your website and social media, implementing accessibility tools, and more.

All actions take time to grow and mature, with some actions happening quicker than others. Patience, listening/observance, and motivation to continue are excellent qualities in these industries, which coincides with a famous quote by author Hal Borland.

“If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.”

So today, as we recognize Arbor Day at work, home, on social media, or on a trip to do nature activities, consider taking action for your organization or brand. What actions can you take today to plant a tree and better your business?


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